Corporate Family Responsibility, OMET awarded in Florence
OMET is among the winners of the Corporate Family Responsibility award delivered during the 3rd Annual Forum of the Medium Italian companies, organized by “Fabbrica per l’Eccellenza” (Factory for Excellence) in Florence on 22nd November 2019.
According to the study issued in 2019 by the Centro Studi Cdo, OMET is among the Italian companies most attentive to the work-family balance. The Corporate Family Responsibility (CFR) Index represents the company’s ability to support its workforce in their balance between work and private life.
“We must reverse the stereotypes – said Gigi Gianola, general director of Cdo – according to which families and companies must compete in the distribution of time, public funds and resources. A lot of women and men have to face a thousand challenges every day to balance their responsabilities between work and family. And it is not just a problem for people with small children but also for those who take care of sick or elderly people”.
The data were processed by a team of researchers from the University of Bergamo and the University of Lancaster. The analysis made it possible to calculate a CFR value for each company of the sample; OMET was ranked second after E Pharma Spa and before Zeta Service, Illumia and ETT.
- OMET srl (CFR INDEX 10.47)
- Zeta service (CFR INDEX 10.21)
- Illumia S.P.A. (CFR INDEX 10:01)
- ETT S.P.A. (CFR INDEX 9.87)
“These companies are an example of how is possible to organize work time and make it compatible with family time. This confirms that the more we incentivize companies the more families can have a real and constant benefit over time: more attention for young children or elderly parents, but also a more attractive work environment for new generations. This means more possibilities that they choose to work in the territory where they live, without having to look for better solutions far from home. The CFR is an aid to recognize and measure the commitment of these entrepreneurs, rewarding those who are already doing their part to change internal structures of the company but also the cultural approach”.
CFR index
The CFR index is calculated by assessing two dimensions: structural and cultural. For the structural one we speak of flexibility of working times (eg part-time; flexible working hours); worker autonomy (eg telework); and provision of bonuses, or information and work-family or time-saving conciliation services. The cultural dimension instead includes the support of superiors and colleagues towards family commitments, the diffusion of an organizational culture that does not penalize career advancements for caregivers; perceived workload.
The CFR index is the sum of the average values found within the two dimensions. For more information http://www.fabbricaperleccellenza.it/cfr/