OMET awarded in Rome as one of the “Welfare Champions” of the Welfare Index PMI
For the third consecutive year, OMET is among the Top companies of the Welfare Index PMI survey promoted by Generali Italia. OMET was awarded on December 6th in Rome, at the presence of institutions, press and associations like Confindustria, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato, Confprofessioni, Confcommercio. The 2022 report “Corporate Welfare: a social pact for the country” was presented during the event.
OMET achieved the highest rating even in the 7th edition of the Welfare Index PMI survey, ranking among the 121 best Italian companies out of over 6,500 participants. “The awarded companies are the vanguard of the Italian economy” said Giancarlo Fancel, Country Manager and CEO of Generali Italia “and welfare is a strategic lever both for corporate profitability and for the country’s sustainability”.
The event was held at Palazzo della Cancelleria and welcomed the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone who said: “Investing in welfare means investing in people’s health and future. Welfare programs help to increase productivity because they involve workers in a relationship that goes beyond the performance-remuneration exchange, by creating value at different levels: the Government will work to support these policies”.
OMET’s welfare plan, already vast and focused on the needs of collaborators, received the prestigious award within the Industry category.
“People and their skills are the heart of every company and it is essential to invest for them – commented Antonio Bartesaghi, OMET President -. It’s not easy to measure the return on investments in welfare, but every day we see how this project creates a positive climate and strenghtens company loyalty. It betters the quality of work. Listening and attention are fundamental for the corporate culture, not only towards our customers but above all towards collaborators”.
In 2022, a large and in-depth climate survey was conducted about the well-being in OMET companies. The survey, addressed to all OMET Group collaborators, received over 70% responses. It highlighted a general satisfaction with the existing welfare project and provided valuable ideas for improving services and introducing new initiatives.
Answering to the survey, OMET has launched a cycle of online meetings with experts for the families of its employees, dedicated to various issues including bill increases, stress management and internet safety for children and adolescents.
In 2022 OMET launched the “library” project: a room dedicated to reading, with volumes of various kinds donated by OMET staff. The loan follow like the book crossing rules: anyone can take a book home or read in the library during the breaks. “Reading is essential for culture and for improving skills – says Bartesaghi -. Books, of any kind, represent the possibility of learning something and stimulating growth”.
The most useful OMET welfare service is still the free legal consultancy launched five years ago and available for over 400 collaborators and their families.
“We believe that people are the key for a greater company productivity, and we are aware that today time management and work-life balance are critical for any family” concludes Bartesaghi.
The Welfare Index PMI is promoted by Generali Italia with the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
For more information https://www.welfareindexpmi.it/evento-2022/