Welfare Index PMI 2020, OMET awarded by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
On September 22, 2020, the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte awarded OMET as one of the “Welfare Champion” companies of the Welfare Index PMI 2020. OMET’s President Antonio Bartesaghi received the award in Rome during the presentation of the fifth edition of the most wide and scientific research about welfare in Italy.
OMET is one of the 78 Welfare Champion companies identified by the research that started from a sample of over 6500 companies. This year, in addition to the traditional welfare survey, the Welfare Index PMI detected also the impact of the Covid-19 emergency, highlighting the flexibility and resilience of these companies, that represent the backbone of the Italian economic framework.
«This national award makes us proud – says Antonio Bartesaghi -. It’s an appreciated acknowledgement for our welfare project, in which we strongly believe. This research shows that welfare improves business results: in Italy, companies have always based their competitive advantage on qualified skills and therefore they are used to giving value to people. We will continue to invest in this issue to give our employees more value and to improve their time management: this means giving value to work. To grow it’s essential to innovate, and innovation is not just about the product: investing in human capital is one of the most profitable activities for a company”.
According to the research, SMEs with an established welfare project had a greater ability to react to the Covid-19 emergency, and have been a reference point for the whole community with initiatives in the fields of health, safety, assistance, training, work-life balance. These issues represent the country’s priorities, and this confirms that welfare, in addition to being strategic for business growth, will be a lever for the country’s sustainable restart. “Today’s we are celebrating stories of extraordinary entrepreneurs who focused their strategies on people, and this allowed them to be more competitive” said Prime Minister Conte during the award ceremony.
OMET’s welfare project offers time-saving services, agreements, training opportunities, free legal consultancy or fiscal support. During the lockdown, OMET introduced smart working that allowed the business to continue without interruption. Remote working will be organized to remain and increase efficiency and flexibility in the future. The new Molteno headquarters, where the company will move a business unit in 2021, will offer additional spaces to expand the services offered.
Our welfare project goes beyond the company itself: OMET has always given attention to all its stakeholders and in particular to the world of education and training. Every year, OMET grants scholarships to the children of its collaborators, with the aim of enhancing the culture of merit. It also supports training projects such as the Territorial Laboratory for employability, a network project lead by the “IIS Fiocchi” in Lecco, promoted and coordinated by Confindustria Lecco and Sondrio: OMET has loaned an OMET XFlex X5 flexographic printing machine free of charge, allowing students and trainers going beyond the mere simulation and reproducing a specific production process of labels and packaging. This offers them technical, electrical, electronic, chemical and IT training possibilities.
“Investing in welfare means investing in the future of the company and the territory – concludes Bartesaghi -. We are proudly Italian and proudly linked to this territory, which has given us resources, skills, specialization, creativity, the ability to be competitive. We want to give value to all these things, and I hope that many other companies will undertake this path because it means investing in the future of all of us”.